Ever been in a situation where you need PDO-MySQL installed and running, but you don't have it? If it's imperative for your script to run database queries through PDO, and it's not installed on the server, there is a way to alleviate the problem: use a wrapper that looks like PDO.
The following is just such a wrapper, that I wrote to get an application running on a new host quickly. It's a hack, and functionality is missing that would otherwise be in PDO, but it covers the basics.
NotPDO.php: PDO lookalike wrapper for MySQL
<?php class NotPDO { private $dbconn; function NotPDO($dsn, $user='', $pass='') { $dsnparts = explode(':', $dsn); switch($dsnparts[0]) { case 'mysql': $dsnparams = explode(';', $dsnparts[1]); foreach($dsnparams as $dsnp) { $dsnpv = explode('=', $dsnp); switch($dsnpv[0]) { case 'host': $host = $dsnpv[1]; break; case 'dbname': $dbname = $dsnpv[1]; break; } } if(isset($host) && isset($dbname)) { $this->dbconn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if(!$this->dbconn) die('NotPDO: Database connection failed.'); if(!mysql_select_db($dbname, $this->dbconn)) die('NotPDO: Could not select database.'); } else { die('NotPDO: Database not specified.'); } break; default: die('NotPDO: Database type not supported.'); } } function prepare($q) { return new NotPDOQuery($q, $this->dbconn); } function query($q) { $q = new NotPDOQuery($q, $this->dbconn); $q->execute(); return $q; } }; class NotPDOQuery { private $dbconn; private $q; private $r; function NotPDOQuery($query, $dbconn) { $this->dbconn = $dbconn; $this->q = $query; } function bindParam($param, $val) { if(is_numeric($val)) { $this->q = str_replace( $param, mysql_real_escape_string($val, $this->dbconn), $this->q); } else { $this->q = str_replace( $param, "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val, $this->dbconn)."'", $this->q); } } function execute() { $this->r = mysql_query($this->q); if($this->r) return true; else return false; } function fetch() { return mysql_fetch_assoc($this->r); } function fetchAll() { $arr = array(); if(mysql_num_rows($this->r)) mysql_data_seek($this->r, 0); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->r)) $arr[] = $row; return $arr; } }; ?>