Making PDO Look Like ADODB

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Many developers who come to PHP from the Visual Basic set of languages wish to take their experience of database interfacing with them. In the VB world, ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) is used to interact with a database; since PHP has no native library for ADO, this can present a problem.

With this in mind, an ADO library was written for use by PHP developers many years ago, which would allow developers to directly port their existing code and interfaces to PHP. There are a few problems with this approach, as can be expected:

With the advent of PHP 5, a native database access layer was introduced to the core language: PHP Data Objects (PDO). Since this layer interfaces directly with the PHP core, it can operate on a much more efficient level, and therefore loads and runs much more quickly. Furthermore, since it's a current extension to PHP, it is maintained and kept secure.

In the ideal case, any applications using ADO under PHP would be redeveloped to use PDO. For large applications, however, this is infeasible: some kind of layer must be introduced over PDO, to "fake" the functionality of ADO on behalf of the application. The following is just such a layer.

ADODB-PDO.php: PDO wrapper to provide an ADODB interface


* Connection and query wrapper
    /** PDO connection to wrap */
    private $_db;
    /** Connection information (database name is public) */
    private $connector;
    private $dsn;
    private $host;
    private $user;
    private $pass;
    public $database;
    /** Debug flag, publically accessible */
    public $debug;
    /** PDO demands fetchmodes on each resultset, so define a default */
    private $fetchmode;

    /** Number of rows affected by the last Execute */
    private $affected_rows;
    * Constructor: Initialise connector
    * @param connector String denoting type of database
    public function __construct($connector='mysql')
        $this->connector = $connector;
    * Connect: Establish connection to a database
    * @param host String
    * @param user String [optional]
    * @param pass String [optional]
    * @param database String [optional]
    public function Connect($host, $user='', $pass='', $database='')
        $this->host = $host;
        $this->user = $user;
        $this->pass = $pass;
        $this->database = $database;

            case 'mysql':
                $this->dsn = sprintf('%s:host=%s;dbname=%s',
                $this->_db = new PDO($this->dsn, $this->user, $this->pass);
                $this->_db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true);
                $this->fetchmode = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC;

    * SetFetchMode: Change the fetch mode of future resultsets
    * @param fm Integer specified by constant
    public function SetFetchMode($fm)
        $this->fetchmode = $fm;

    * Insert_ID: Retrieve the ID of the last insert operation
    * @return String containing last insert ID
    public function Insert_ID()
        return $this->_db->lastInsertId();

    * GetAll: Retrieve an array of results from a query
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return Array of results
    public function GetAll($sql, $vars=null)
        $st = $this->DoQuery($sql, $vars);
        return $st?$st->fetchAll():false;

    * CacheGetAll: Wrapper to emulate cached GetAll
    * @param timeout int count of seconds for cache expiry
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return Array of results
    public function CacheGetAll($timeout, $sql, $vars=null)
        return $this->GetAll($sql, $vars);

    * Execute: Retrieve a resultset from a query
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return ADODB_PDO_ResultSet object
    public function Execute($sql, $vars=null)
        $st = $this->DoQuery($sql, $vars);
        $this->affected_rows = $st->rowCount();
        return $st?new ADODB_PDO_ResultSet($st):false;

    * CacheExecute: Wrapper to emulate cached Execute
    * @param timeout int count of seconds for cache expiry
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return ADODB_PDO_ResultSet object
    public function CacheExecute($timeout, $sql, $vars=null)
        return $this->Execute($sql, $vars);

    * Affected_Rows: Retrieve the number of rows affected by Execute
    * @return The number of affected rows
    public function Affected_Rows()
        return $this->affected_rows;

    * GetRow: Retrieve the first row of a query result
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return Array of data from first result
    public function GetRow($sql, $vars=null)
        $st = $this->DoQuery($sql, $vars);
        return $st?$st->fetch():false;

    * GetOne: Retrieve the first value in the first row of a query
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return String data of the requested value
    public function GetOne($sql, $vars=null)
        $st = $this->DoQuery($sql, $vars);
        return $st?$st->fetchColumn():false;

    * GetAssoc: Retrieve data from a query mapped by value of first column
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return Array of mapped data
    public function GetAssoc($sql, $vars=null)
        $out = array();
        $st = $this->DoQuery($sql, $vars);

            if($st->columnCount() > 2)
                while($row = $st->fetch())
                    $rowidx = array_shift($row);
                    $out[$rowidx] = $row;
            else if($st->columnCount == 2)
                while($row = $st->fetch())
                    $rowidx = array_shift($row);
                    $out[$rowidx] = array_shift($row);
            else $out = false;
        else $out = false;
        return $out;

    * GetCol: Retrieve the values of the first column of a query
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return Array of column data
    public function GetCol($sql, $vars=null)
        $out = array();
        $st = $this->DoQuery($sql, $vars);

            while($val = $st->fetchColumn()) $out[] = $val;
            return $out;
        else return false;

    * MetaColumns: Retrieve information about a table's columns
    * @param table String name of table to find out about
    * @return Array of ADODB_PDO_FieldData objects
    public function MetaColumns($table)
        $out = array();
        $st = $this->DoQuery('select * from '.$table);
        for($i=0; $i<$st->columnCount(); $i++)
            $out[] = new ADODB_PDO_FieldData($st->getColumnMeta($i));

        return $out;

    * qstr: Quote a string for use in database queries
    * @param in String parameter to quote
    * @return String quoted by database
    public function qstr($in)
        return $this->_db->quote($in);
    * quote: Quote a string for use in database queries
    * @param in String parameter to quote
    * @return String quoted by database
    public function quote($in)
        return $this->_db->quote($in);
    * DoQuery: Private helper function for Get*
    * @param sql String query to execute
    * @param vars Array of variables to bind [optional]
    * @return PDOStatement object of results, or false on fail
    private function DoQuery($sql, $vars=null)
        $st = $this->_db->prepare($sql);
        if(!is_array($vars)) $vars = array($vars);
        return $st->execute($vars)?$st:false;

* Resultset wrapper
class ADODB_PDO_ResultSet
    /** PDO resultset to wrap */
    private $_st;
    /** One-time resultset information */
    private $results;
    private $rowcount;
    private $cursor;

    /** Publically accessible row values */
    public $fields;

    /** Public end-of-resultset flag */
    public $EOF;

    * Constructor: Initialise resultset and first results
    * @param st PDOStatement object to wrap
    public function __construct($st)
        $this->_st = $st;
        $this->results = $st->fetchAll();
        $this->rowcount = count($this->results);
        $this->cursor = 0;

    * RecordCount: Retrieve number of records in this RS
    * @return Integer number of records
    public function RecordCount()
        return $this->rowcount;

    * MoveNext: Fetch next row and check if we're at the end
    public function MoveNext()
        $this->fields = $this->results[$this->cursor++];
        $this->EOF = ($this->cursor == $this->rowcount) ? 1 : 0;

* Table field information wrapper
class ADODB_PDO_FieldData
    public $name;
    public $max_length;
    public $type;
    * Constructor: Map PDO meta information to object field data
    * @param meta Array from PDOStatement::getColumnMeta
    public function __construct($meta)
        $lut = array(
            'LONG' => 'int',
            'VAR_STRING' => 'varchar'
        $this->name = $meta['name'];
        $this->max_length = $meta['len'];
        $this->type = $lut[$meta['native_type']];

* NewADOConnection: Thin wrapper to generate a new ADODB_PDO object
* @param connector String denoting type of database
* @return ADODB_PDO object
function NewADOConnection($connector)
    return new ADODB_PDO($connector);